Can a Mattress Be Professionally Cleaned?

Can a Mattress Be Professionally Cleaned?

When someone wakes up each morning and looks at their mattress, what do they see? Perhaps, a heap of allergens that they would love to get out of their sleeping bag and into the air. Mattresses are perhaps the most overlooked part of a healthy bedroom environment, yet they can be the very first bedroom fixtures to become neglected. A clean mattress is a key investment, and if properly and regularly maintained, mattresses can indeed last longer and retain more of their original beauty for longer.

Can a mattress be professionally cleaned

Dust from inside mattresses can accumulate in pockets and under our pillows. Dust mites live off human skin and hair, feeding on dead skin cells and shedding their tiny bodies every night. When mattresses are not properly cleaned or dried before storing, dust mites can grow very quickly and infest mattresses. Check this best mattress cleaning. Mattresses should be dry cleaned, but dry cleaning alone will not remove all dust mites from mattresses, as the dry heat from a dryer does not kill all microscopic mites.

Is it worth cleaning a mattress?

Bedroom furniture also plays a large role in the growth of dust mites. Often times spills, food and drink residue and even accidental spills occur on bedding and pillows. These types of stains create allergens which can also trigger allergic reactions within those who are sensitive to them. Ingestion of these allergens can exacerbate existing allergies and lead to further asthmatic attacks. Not only does the presence of dust mites cause an itchy, runny nose and eyes, it can also make a person sneeze and even make them cough.

Cleaning a mattress may be more than just a cosmetic fix. High-end vacuum cleaners have powerful suction that can dislodge even the toughest stain and then suck it right out of the mattress. But some vacuums are unable to dislodge stains caused by dust mites. So the best solution is to invest in a good vacuum that can handle dirt from beds.

How do professionals deep clean a mattress?

One option is to hire a professional carpet cleaner to clean the carpets. Many carpet cleaners use enzymes and other chemicals that break down and break up the stains. The carpets will be vacuumed with special attachments designed for the task. Special carpet shampooers are used to loosen deep-seated stains. Then a machine that agitates cleaning solution will be used over the carpet to remove the rest of the stain.

Can a mattress be professionally cleaned? A good vacuum cleaner will not only dislodge dust mite stains, but also skin cells. Some people are more sensitive to skin cells, especially if they spent hours in bed or had allergies as children. Learn more about carpet cleaner. If you have skin allergies, you may want to consider a hypoallergenic mattress cover to protect your bed.

How much does it cost to get a mattress professionally cleaned?

If the bed appears to be dusty, damp or otherwise unhealthy, a professional cleaning may be needed. The mattress may need to be professionally steamed. High-end vacuum cleaners can remove fungi, mold and mildew. High-end carpet cleaners can remove stains caused by dust mites and allergic reactions to fabrics in the bed.

Can a mattress be professionally cleaned? If a mattress has a few mites and a number of these mites are living on the surface of your bedding, there is a chance that an infestation can occur. It is possible to kill off the mites and restore the mattress to its original state, but you will need to purchase a box spring, which is made from a synthetic material, to protect your bedding during this process. Professional steam cleaning services are usually recommended for removing mites and for other pest problems in your home, including allergens.